Thursday, December 1, 2016

Operation Potato 2016

Pull up a chair, grab some hot chocolate, maybe an eggnog and take a few minutes to watch the original holiday classic that never was, The Story of the Christmas Potato.

2016 marks 34 years of holiday tossing. Click the link below to learn the true story of one young lad's obsession and how it morphed into the tradition it is today. The story was first put to paper in 1984 to easily explain the purpose of tossing potatoes at Christmas time. Flash forward to 1993 and the original artwork was done on the state-of-the-art graphics program, KidPix for the students of Travis Elementary. Then in 2014 the art was updated again. The story is as true as it is corny. And now for your entertainment and enlightenment click on the link below.

The Story of the Christmas Potato video

Here is the message we attach to potatoes prior to throwing in yards:

No one is quite sure how the tradition of the Christmas Potato began. Many believe it began in the later half of the 20th century when a young man tossed seasonal greetings wrapped around uncooked potatoes into the yards of houses decorated with Christmas lights. It was his way of saying thank you and Merry Christmas. Before the advent of the Christmas Potato there was no way to easily thank those who brighten our holiday season with their unselfish efforts. Now each year children and adults alike look forward to the annual pitching of the holiday spud.  But why a potato? The young man grew up in a town called Topeka which means a good place to dig potatoes.

...and if that weren't enough.

This link:

will take you to the 2016 Holiday Music Mix from me. It is, as always, a fluid work in progress. As it is a playlist at YouTube there is always that chance that random ads may appear based on your browsing history.

Eventually I will get around to posting the liner notes explaining why I selected the songs I did. For the time being let's go with, the songs just fit as far as I'm concerned. Some reflect my mood, some are in tribute to voices now silent, while others make me smile. Enjoy!

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